About Anthony

Welcome to Hopejoys.com where we inspire hope for your health and your wealth. The information and testimonies provided on this site is intended to inspire and motivate you to become a healthier and more prosperous you. Knowledge about stem cells and its related technologies including phototherapy will be a focal point of most of the information that will feature X 39 stem cell activation patches.

My Story

My struggle for good health and and financial security really became more evident in the last 10 years or so. Prior to that time I did not take any medication and was rarely sick, not even with a cold. At that moment in my life I could be considered healthy and financially I was comfortably in the middle class. But moving to the US I found myself contending with both Diabetes, High Blood Pressure and financial voes. My A1C rose well above 13 and my routine blood pressure check was always above 150/80. About 2 years ago I realized that if I did not bring my blood pressure in check I would go the way of my dad who died of a massive heart attack. Having to contend with both high blood pressure and diabetes was not easy. It got so bad that health insurers were refusing to insure me. It was then that I began a relentless search to find means to get my health back in check. I began a focus of eating healthier and exercising. This began a trek to get my life on track. Recently, I came across X 39 patches. I am amazed by the testimonies and what it has done for me thus far. In less than two weeks of use, I was full of energy, my eyes which was impacted by the diabetes had improve so much that I was able to read small prints again. Within two months into the X 39 patch use, I no longer need to use insulin and my A1C hovers now around 6.6 to 6.7.

WHY Help Others

Each year millions of people die due to some health challenges and millions of others reside themselves to a life of pain and medications. The financial voes for most people are not less striking. No one escapes health issues it seems and fewer people are immune to financial instability. Therefore, Hopejoys.com wants to be there for you by inspiring hope once again in your life. Showing you that you can live a live that is almost pain free, that you can amass wealth as you maintain your health and yes you can be healthy and wealthy. So get your joy back, be happy again , check out stem cell therapies and if you are like me and you want a cost effective, unintrusive pathway to helping your body heal itself then you may want to check out X 39 stem cell patches from Life Wave and feel, and see the difference. Getting older should not temper your joy, so aged in reverse by reactivating your body own stem cells to a more younger you.

Site Mission

My goal for this website is to provide information about health, especially about stem cells and how the X 39 patch produced by Life Wave may be the answer to your health challenges firstly and later how it may lead you to wealth building.

If you ever need a hand or have any questions, feel free to leave them below and I will be more than happy to help you out.

he X 39 patch use, I no longer need to use insulin and my A1C hovers now around 6.6 to 6.7.

WHY Help Others

Each year millions of people die due to some health challenges and millions of others reside themselves to a life of pain and medications. The financial voes for most people are not less striking. No one escapes health issues it seems and fewer people are immune to financial instability. Therefore, Hopejoys.com wants to be there for you by inspiring hope once again in your life. Showing you that you can live a live that is almost pain free, that you can amass wealth as you maintain your health and yes you can be healthy and wealthy. So get your joy back, be happy again , check out stem cell therapies and if you are like me and you want a cost effective,

All the best,

Anthony Anderson



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